Cool Stuff
For Kids of All Ages
Great dance scenes from movies, broadway,
and television--intended for kids' audiences
but enjoyed by fans of all ages.
Songs That Make You Want to Dance
Toe-tappin', finger-snappin' music that puts
a groove in your moves and the beat in your feet!
Dancing With the Stars
Some of the best dances from the hit TV show that has
couples heatin' it up on the dance floor.
Kelly, Astaire, and O'Connor:
Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, and Donald O'Connor:
Here's a selection of the most entertaining
and revolutionary moments from their movies.
Inspired By
Some people say "imitation is the best form of flattery."
These clips feature original dances,
followed by some creative "knock-offs."
When dancers want to "one up" each other, the move to the dance floor for a challenge. Here are a few dance legends showing the skill that put them at the top.