Debbie's Guiding Philosophy:

"There are two lasting gifts we can give our children:
one is roots; the other wings."

Here at Betty Hill Dance we realize that we have a unique opportunity to influence the lives of those students who walk into our classrooms.

Our obvious responsibility is to develop physical skills such as coordination, flexibility, agility, strength, and grace. But we also have the joy and challenge to do much more.

Through training, correction, and encouragement we give our students the roots of discipline, of socialization, and of increased physical development.

By experiencing progress, they come to realize the power of dedication, motivation, and hard work. These are important lessons to learn as a youth.

Equally as valuable is the excitement our students enjoy as they develop their wings of self-expression, confidence and creativity.

Increasing their skills as performers, our students experience first-hand the magic of dance-the most personal of all art forms. A dancer's body and spirit soar, able to explode with power or softly "walk in grace."

To put it simply, dancing is just plain fun--and we hope to give to our students the joy and happiness that dancing has given us throughout our own lives.

Be assured that throughout each year

  • we will make every effort to help our dancers as individuals;
  • we will stretch their physical skills as we nurture their inborn love for movement;
  • and we will provide the quality instruction, the happy classes, and the exciting performances our families expect.

Maintaining the standards of excellence we have set for ourselves and for the greater Des Moines dance community, we will use our training, our experience, and our creativity to give our dancers and our families the clean-cut, age-appropriate, and quality dance experience they deserve.

John and Nick, 2000 John and Nick, 2010

Each year is a precious opportunity to give our students
 the roots and the wings of dance.

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