High School Leadership, Honors, and Awards:

Silver Belles Captain, Valley High School
Worthy Advisor, Waveland Park Order of Rainbow for Girls
DeMolay Sweetheart, Acanthus Lodge Chapter
DeMolay Sweetheart, State of Iowa
National Honor Society, Valley High School
Top 15%, Valley High School
Graduated from Valley High School Cum Laude
University Leadership, Honors, and Awards:

Purple Arrow, Freshman-Sophomore Scholarship Honorary, UNI
Residence Hall Representative, Associated Women's Students, UNI
Freshman Residence Hall Counselor, UNI
Chimes Scholarship, Leadership, Service Honorary, UNI
UNI Delegate to the Midwest Association of College and University Residence Halls (two years)
UNI Delegate to the National Association of College and University Residence Halls (two years)
National Committee Chair, National Association of College and University Residence Halls
Leadership Chair, Associated Women Students, UNI
"The UNI Woman" for Associated Women Students, UNI
President of Torch and Tassel, Senior Women's Scholarship, Leadership, Service Honorary, UNI
Presentor of Torch and Tassel Award to Dr. Erma Plaehn at Graduation, UNI
English Department Award, UNI
Kappa Delta Pi Education Honorary, UNI
Graduated from the University of Northern Iowa Magna Cum Laude
Graduate Leadership, Honors, and Awards:

Full Fellowship Recipient, MBA Program, College of Business, Drake University
Beta Gamma Sigma Business Honorary, Drake University
Graduated with Masters from Drake University Summa Cum Laude
Community Leadership, Honors, and Awards:

Secretary and Parliamentarian, Dance Masters of Mid-America
Gifted Children's Coordinator, Central Iowa Mensa
Named to "Who's Who in American Women"
Named to "Who's Who in the Midwest"
Named to "Who's Who in America"
Debbie's lifelong passion for dance, education, and self-devopment inspires her quest for excellence.
Debbie's deep dedication to her students fuels her efforts to bring our dance families a diverse, age-appropriate, and positive developmental experience.
Thousands of students have grown under Debbie's leadership. She takes her fun very seriously, because--
It all comes back to our kids!
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